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No weapon has more clearly illustrated the debate over gun control than the semi-automatic assault rifle.

The weapon has been used in many mass shootings, yet is also one of the nation's most popular among gun owners with estimates of three to four million in private hands throughout the United States.

President Obama today urged Congress to pass comprehensive legislation that restricts military-style guns and ammunition, beefs up background checks and increases funds for mental health and school safety. Obama also signed 23 executive actions including more federal scientific research on gun violence and a modernized federal database system to track guns, criminals and the mentally ill.
autumn enabnit
1/18/2013 04:45:57 am

we also need guns to protect ourselves and others, for self defense.

Mrs. Richtsmeier
1/25/2013 04:38:29 am

This is a very important topic today! Once again you need to include your own conclusion or argument about the topic in your article. Also you need to reflect each week with a post.


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