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Now that Facebook has gone public and is struggling to get a steady
valuation, the company is looking to find new ways to make its money and prove
its worth to investors.

One option Facebook is exploring is enhancing ad sales by more effective
targeting of increasingly specific demographic groups, using location data from moble devices and
information culled from the site.

The company will be targeting members' information more closely, and expects
personal data-sharing to double every decade.

We have to start by taking a look at the data in question. How much of a
danger to the consumer is the data that Facebook has? Exactly how much data does
it really have?

Peter Pasi, executive vice president at Emotive LLC, an Arlington, Va.-based
firm that focuses on digital outreach for political campaigns, says Facebook has
quite a bit.

"Facebook is the largest opt-in community of individuals in the world, and
boasts unparalleled reach," Pasi said. "In English, that means it's likely the
largest database of people ever built, and
contains more personal data than any other source."

We know that Facebook has a lot of information about us, both what we enter
ourselves and the data that our friends choose to put up about us.

No weapon has more clearly illustrated the debate over gun control than the semi-automatic assault rifle.

The weapon has been used in many mass shootings, yet is also one of the nation's most popular among gun owners with estimates of three to four million in private hands throughout the United States.

President Obama today urged Congress to pass comprehensive legislation that restricts military-style guns and ammunition, beefs up background checks and increases funds for mental health and school safety. Obama also signed 23 executive actions including more federal scientific research on gun violence and a modernized federal database system to track guns, criminals and the mentally ill.
The rat snake loves the warm weather and that's why you may find them where the weather is warm like in Texas. With the climate changing the snakes have been under study that they stay up longer in the night which makes hunting easier. However, the warmer climate dosen't mean the snakes will proliferate. Rat snakes suffer from shrinking habitat and human cruelty.

For more information:

If you are also interested in snakes you can watch the video below for a cool, funny, and interesting way to learn more.